Post 16 Transport Charges

Nick Oliver puts the case for scrapping charges for 6th form pupils to get to school.

In 2014 the Labour / Independent Administration at Northumberland County Hall scrapped free Post 16 Transport to Schools and Colleges. This was a deeply unpopular decision in rural areas right across the County and particularly effects many children in Corbridge and the Tyne Valley.

Most 6th form pupils in Corbridge will go to Queen Elizabeth High School (QEHS) in Hexham and some will go into Newcastle College – we all now have to pay £600 per year if we want our children to use the school bus to get to school or college. The school bus my youngest child gets on between Corbridge and Hexham is nearly empty but if my son in the 6th form were to use it we would have to commit to £600 per year. The nature of 6th form education is that he is not always in first thing and cannot always leave at 3.30pm so it just doesn’t work. You are not allowed to pay as you go and I understand the £600 charge from the County Council is more than they pay the bus company!

I have been a strong advocate of scrapping these charges within the Conservative Group in Northumberland and I’m delighted that this has been adopted as policy.

“Charging £600 for Post 16 School Transport discriminates against children in rural areas.

A Conservative controlled council will phase out these charges.”

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